Nelson Mandela is
arguably the most inspirational leader of our time encompassing a moral
philosophy of inequality that saw him win the hearts of not just the people of
South Africa but also the world receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. But it
is not just his political accomplishments in talking with the enemy since his
release from 27 years imprisonment under an apartheid system that make him the
revered martyr that he is today. 'The struggle is my life' he reiterated. From
the rolling hills of the Transkei valley of his youth where he experienced a
mixture of wealth and poverty to growing hungry in Johannesburg working as a
law attorney before being inspired to become a freedom fighter and begin his
long walk to freedom. His life was a rollercoaster of ups and downs taking
unexpected turns at the worst of times but even though his life was a bumpy
ride, his mindset remained steady, his eyes fixed on the prospect of freedom,
always looking forward. His experiences were the forces that shaped and moulded
him into the leader that he is. In the following review of his autobiography, I
will explore the different aspects of his psyche that made him the father of a
nation free from oppression and apartheid.
His leadership styles always respected the
collective. He never wanted to seem like he was dictating any decision no
matter how small for he was adamant in establishing a society governed by a
democracy of equality and never wanted to reflect the ideals of the enemy who
had suppressed him all his life: “For to be free is not merely to cast off
one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of
others” (Mandela, p 751). Mandela refers to prison as a crucible that tests a
man's character: “Some men, under the pressure of incarceration, showed true
mettle, while others revealed themselves as less than what they had appearded
to be” (Mandela p 539). He goes on to mention the dramas they were allowed
perform in the later years at Robben Island. One such drama became ingrained in
his memory as a symbol of South Africa's struggle. Mandela plays the role of a
King Creon who appears to be sincere and patriotic suggesting that experience
is the foundation of leadership and that obligations to the people take
precedence over loyalty to an individual but he deals mercilessly with his
enemies who rebelled against the city declaring that the main character
Antigone's brother does not deserve a proper burial (Mandela p 541). This is
symbollic of the laws of oppression that were weighed on Africans more heavily
after defiance campaigns and protest demonstrations including gatherings and
stay at homes.
Mandela states that a leader must temper
justice with mercy. Even though he plays the role of the King in the play, I
feel as though he is a real life version of Antigone: “It was Antigone who
symbolized our struggle; she was, in her own way, a freedom fighter, for she
defied the law on the ground that it was unjust” (Mandela p 541). Mandela was
courageous in the face of oppression never letting the prison authorities
dampen his spirit by harassing his wife or cutting off most prison privileges
even though he was a political prisoner. He took the moral high ground
disarming the prejudiced warders with words and threats of legal action. The
plays were a reflection of the difficulties he faced: “What I took out of them
was that character was measured by facing up to difficult situations and that a
hero was a man who would not break down even under the most trying
circumstances” (Mandela p 540). Nelson Mandela certainly is one of those
He took solace in the company of his
comrades and considered them all his equals striving never to undermine them
when speaking for any of his groups whether it was the African National
Congress, Umkhonto we Sizwe, or the State of South Africa. In developing his
leadership styles he took inspiration from such works as Tolstoy’s War and Peace: “Kutuzov defeated
Napoleon precisely because he was not swayed by the ephemeral and superficial
values of the court, and made his decisions on a visceral understanding of his
men and his people. It reminded me once again that truly to lead one’s people
one must also truly know them” (Mandela p 585). He demonstrated this after his
release by voluntarily living in the poor district of Soweto which was known
for having dire conditions and no running water. He could have well afforded a
more comfortable lodging.
Mandela has a wealth of experience in the
management of individuals and groups. That is one of the vital ingredients that
led to his inauguration as President of South Africa. After his father lost his
place in office Mandela was adopted to a family of Thembu tradition in order to
be educated as an advisor to the King of the region. He was groomed from his
early years to be involved in decision making matters becoming a prefect in
college as well as being a member of the student representative council. He did
not want to be confined to ways of Thembu tradition and ran away to
Johannesburg to practise as an attorney and soon established the first black
law firm in South Africa: “I had to make my way on the basis of my ability, not
my heritage” (Mandela p 39). This is an integral part of his belief that
everyone should be awarded on the basis of ability after receiving free
education in a system of equality.
Before he even got involved with the ANC or
was in any way fighting for freedom, he was already well established in dealing
with individuals and groups through his law firm and other previous
intellectual exploits. He resigned from the student representative committee on
the basis that their demands were not met such as improvements to the diet. The
principle presented him with a dilemma where he would either return to the
committee or be expelled. He stood his ground. This was evidence from a young
age that Mandela was not going to bow down to a dictatorship of any kind:
“Something inside me would not let me. While I appreciated Dr Kerr’s position
and his willingness to give me another chance, I resented his absolute power
over my fate” (Mandela p 62)

As a politician working with stakeholders
can prove a difficult task within your own organisation as well as that of the
opposition. Mandela was regularly engaged in long debates with his colleagues
about ANC policies and about the pros and cons of certain decisions. But he had
enormous respect for his colleagues and they would nearly always come to an
agreement of some sort. He would never pursue a proposal if he did not get the
approval of the group. Sometimes this hindered opportunities to begin talks of
peace and freedom with the government but eventually Mandela was put in what he
referred to as a splendid isolation. He knew the ANC was a collective but the
government had made collectivity impossible. Mandela felt it was time to sit
down with the enemy but knew his colleagues in jail would condemn his proposal,
killing his initiative: “There are times when a leader must move out ahead of
the flock, go off in a new direction, confident that he is leading his people
the right way ..... my isolation furnished my organisation with an excuse in
case matters went awry: the old man was alone and completely cut off, and his
actions were taken by him as an individual, not a representative of the ANC”
(Mandela p 627).
Once he had commenced talks with the
National Party, they expressed concerns repeatedly about the ANC’s affiliation
with the Communist Party maintaining that the ANC was dominated by communists.
Mandela always stood his ground and was resolute in all his responses to
attacks by the National Party explaining that the ANC and Communist Party were
separate organisations who shared short-term objectives like the overthrow of
racial oppression and the birth of a non-racial South Africa, but that their
long-term interests were not the same. His responses seemed to be falling on
deaf ears and he exclaimed in exasperation: “There are four of you and only one
of me, and you cannot control me or get me to change my mind. What makes you
think the communists can succeed where you have failed?” (Mandela p 642). The
National Party expressed concerns as to how the ANC could protect the rights of
the white minority in a majority rule. Mandela stated that no organisation in
the history of South Africa compares to the ANC in terms of trying to unite all
the people and races of South Africa, referring them to the preamble of the
Freedom Charter: “South Africa belongs to
all who live in it, black and white. I told them that whites were Africans
as well, and that in any future dispensation the majority would need the
minority” (Mandela p 643).
Mandela derived motivation from the prospect
that one day he would be free. He reminded himself that he was more a
representative of the people than his own man. The priorities of the individual
had to be set aside. He did not regard himself as superior to any South African
but he knew that he was regarded as a symbol of justice and freedom to his
people. He delighted them by such actions as that of the Rivonia trial: “I had
chosen traditional dress to emphasize the symbolism that I was a black African
walking into a white man’s court. I was literally carrying on my back the
history, culture and heritage of my people” (Mandela p 385). He took great
pride in his role that day and it motivated him to endure the forces of
oppression as he continued his battle against those forces: “I felt myself to
be the embodiment of African nationalism, the inheritor of Africa’s difficult
but noble past and her uncertain future” (Mandela p 385).
It was the simple things of everyday life
that he missed as well as his family. It was his yearning of these things that
made him strive all the more for his freedom. He said in a letter to his wife:
“I’ve been away from you for so long that the very first thing I would like to
do on my return would be to take you away from that suffocating atmosphere,
drive you along carefully, so that you could have the opportunity of breathing
fresh and clean air, seeing the beauty spots of South Africa, its green grass
and trees, colourful wild flowers, sparkling streams, animals grazing in the
veld and be able to talk to the simple people we meet along the road” (Mandela
p 592). He is sad that his political career has dictated his life leading him
away from his family. He saw his prison garden as a metaphor for certain
aspects of his life. He wrote to his wife Winnie about a beautiful tomato plant
that he coaxed to a robust plant producing deep red fruits but it began to
wither and decline and there was nothing he could do to bring it back to
health: “I did not want our relationship to go the way of that plant, and yet I
felt that I had been unable to nourish many of the most important relationships
in my life. Sometimes there is nothing one can do to save something that must
die” (Mandela p 582).
Throughout his years in prison his wife
Winnie had been a constant moral support, lover, and comrade. She supported him
wholeheartedly in his struggle and understood the implications it had on their
relationship. In 1992 after his release from prison Mandela announced his
separation from his wife due to dictated circumstances stating that they came
to a mutual agreement that it would be best for the ANC and them personally to
part: “Comrade Nomzamo and myself contracted our marriage at a critical time in
the struggle for liberation in our country. Owing to the pressures of our
shared commitment to the ANC and the struggle to end apartheid, we were unable
to enjoy a normal family life ..... My love for her remains undiminished”
(Mandela p 718-719).
Mandela was proficient in his capability of
using his position as a political prisoner and martyr of the people to negotiate
terms with the government. The government offered him freedom if he
‘unconditionally rejected violence as a political instrument’. The offer had
been presented by the state president himself who stated: “It is therefore not
the South African government which now stands in the way of Mr Mandela’s
freedom. It is he himself” (Mandela p 620-621). It was a ploy by the government
to decrease international awareness of the situation in South Africa but
Mandela knew it was not real freedom being offered and wrote a response that
was read publicly by his daughter Zindzi. She concluded his response with:
“Only free men can negotiate. Prisoners cannot enter into contracts... I cannot
and will not give any undertaking at a time when I and you, the people, are not
free. Your freedom and mine cannot be separated. I will return” (Mandela p
623). Well able to respond to the government’s devious tactics he succeeded in
bringing the negotiations to a new level scheduling the first face-to-face
meeting between the ANC and the government in March 1990. However there was on-going
violence especially in Natal where 230 people lost their lives: “In Natal, Zulu
was murdering Zulu, for Inkatha members and ANC partisans are Zulus” (Mandela p
689). It was strongly believed that the police were inciting violence by
providing weapons to the Inkatha to undermine progress by the ANC. The
government claimed to know nothing about it but Mandela responded to great
affect: “I announced the suspension of our talks and warned Mr de Klerk that he
could not ‘talk about negotiations on the one hand and murder our people on the
other’” (Mandela p 691).
His expert communication skills allowed him
to mount enormous pressure of all sorts on the National party forcing progress
in negotiations. He exploited the media as an efficient communication tool to
portray the difficulties of the struggle. He made and maintained contact with
political leaders all over the world and even did a tour visiting many
Countries including Ireland. On his trip he met with leaders such as Margaret
Thatcher and George W. Bush. These powerful people now had their sights on
South Africa. It was only a matter of time before Mandela achieved the freedom
he sought for all his life. No political party wants to be seen in a negative
light on the international stage. There would be some consolation for the
National party to be seen as the party that dismantled the apartheid system.
And they were recognized for this with Mr de Klerk receiving the Noble Peace
prize with Mandela in 1993.
Mandela was always able to keep in contact
with the ANC and all the stakeholders concerned with South Africa’s welfare. In
prison he devised ways of getting messages out to the ANC who would deliver
them to the media. In his speeches he always reminded people that he was not a
messiah, but an ordinary man who had become a leader because of extraordinary
circumstances. In his speech after his release from prison after nearly three
decades he stood before his people in servitude and said: “Friends, comrades
and fellow South Africans. I greet you all in the name of peace, democracy and
freedom for all! I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble
servant of you, the people. Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it
possible for me to be here today. I therefore place the remaining years of my
life in your hands” (Mandela p 676)
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